Posted 2 years ago

Snooker General

Ronnie O’Sullivan recounts his snooker journey

Ronnie O’Sullivan recounts his snooker journey
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Ronnie O’Sullivan’s upcoming documentary Seventh Heaven recounts his sporting journey and the challenges faced along the way. While he has won a record making seven World Championships, the snooker legend recounts a phase early in his early career when he lost focus for 6 years, a went on a “wild bender”.

Triggered by his father going to prison, and the inability to cope, caused O’Sullivan to be in a mental place that he wishes he had not needed to visit in the first place. While he does not blame his father, the documentary details the struggles he went through during his first World Championship win despite having stayed away from alcohol and smoking in his earlier years.

According to O’Sullivan he had always been comfortable in his own skin, and the sudden loss of his support structure steered him towards some regrettable choices such as a dependence on alcohol. Furthermore, he admits that while many athlete’s journeys have made them who they are, he wishes his had been different and could have stayed the way that his childhood years resembled.


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