Posted 2 years ago

Archery Video News

Archery’s new ranking system

Archery’s new ranking system
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The Sanlida World Archery Ranking system has undergone a change, with the World Archery Field Championships the first event to incorporate the changes. According to the new rules, points are now included for field and indoor archery competitions.

According to Brady Ellison, who is currently the top-ranked archer in the men’s division, the new ranking system should help in the promotion of all forms of archery, rather than just the indoor events. In total, there are currently 3 different ways to rank international archers, including the Hyundai Archery World Cup ranking which counts the points won at the World Cup tournaments outdoors, the Indoor Archery World Series Ranking and the Sanlida World Archery Rankings which have currently included field and indoor archery.

Field archery is known to be more technical then target archery, the latter of which is a test of repetition and consistency. Courses for field archery may involve steep and varied terrain, and archers must focus on the various aspects of the field, and not just the process of shooting. According to Quentin Baraer, field archery also requires archers to gauge distance and focus on both the area and the target, while Mexico’s Luis Vives has described how every shot in field archery is different and requires 100% focus. Furthermore, archers must also concentrate on feet placement, angles, distances and line of sight

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