Climate Change Threatens Future of Kingsholm Stadium with Flood Risks.

Rugby General

Climate Change Threatens Future of Kingsholm Stadium with Flood Risks.

A new report on climate change commissioned by World Rugby indicates that Gloucester's Kingsholm Stadium is at risk of "marine submersion."

The report examined 10 major stadiums in England, revealing that Kingsholm Stadium, home to the Cherry and Whites since 1891, could face severe flooding. 

This assessment is part of a broader study that looked at rugby nations worldwide, highlighting the significant impact of climate change on the sport.

"While varying from one climate region to another, the consequences of climate change on rugby’s practice and ecosystem are significant and will continue to deteriorate in the coming decades," the report stated.

It noted that heatwaves will affect athlete performance and spectator health, droughts will more frequently impact turf pitches, and flooding or sea-level rise will increasingly threaten infrastructure.