Man City Case a 'Moral Victory' for Football Leaks Hacker, Lawyer Asserts.

Soccer General

Man City Case a 'Moral Victory' for Football Leaks Hacker, Lawyer Asserts.

Rui Pinto's lawyer, representing the convicted hacker behind the Football Leaks revelations, claims the Premier League charges against Manchester City are "a moral reward" for the risks Pinto took and the challenges he has faced.

In 2015, Rui Pinto launched the Football Leaks website, which released confidential documents, including internal Manchester City emails related to sponsorships and payments. 

This week, an independent commission in London began hearing 115 Premier League charges against City, covering 14 seasons.

City denies any wrongdoing, claiming they have "irrefutable evidence" to support their case.

Pinto was given a four-year suspended sentence in Portugal last year for attempted extortion, illegal data access, and breach of correspondence. 

Although the court noted he sought financial gain, Pinto maintains he acted as a whistleblower to expose corruption in football.

He now faces a second criminal trial in Portugal, and his lawyer, William Bourdon, believes the UK case outcome could aid Pinto's defense.