Dressel Expresses Doping Concerns Ahead of Olympic Swimming Events.

Multi Sports Paris 2024 Olympics

Dressel Expresses Doping Concerns Ahead of Olympic Swimming Events.

Seven-time Olympic swimming champion Caeleb Dressel has voiced his concerns about doping among competitors as the Paris Olympics approach. 

Despite his stellar achievements, Dressel is not fully confident that his rivals will compete on a level playing field, raising questions about the integrity of the upcoming games.

The excitement for the upcoming Games' swimming event is clouded by controversy. 

Twenty-three Chinese athletes had positive drug tests before the last Olympics, and an independent report recently supported the decision not to challenge China's claim that the swimmers ingested trimetazidine (TMZ) by contamination. 

Despite this, eleven of those swimmers will compete in Paris. When asked if he trusted the authorities to ensure fair competition, American swimmer Caeleb Dressel responded, "No, not really."