Overcoming Challenges: Fox Secures Paralympic Spot.

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Overcoming Challenges: Fox Secures Paralympic Spot.

Wheelchair basketball player Ben Fox is driven by a deeply personal motivation as he pursues Paralympic gold in Paris. His journey to the Paralympics is not just about athletic achievement but also about honoring a promise he made to himself and his family. 

Ben Fox, aged 28, has been chosen for his second Paralympic Games, returning three years after winning bronze with the Great Britain squad in Tokyo. However, his journey to securing his spot was not without challenges beyond impressing selectors.

Born with Vater Syndrome, which includes missing his right leg and other medical complexities such as back issues, a trachea condition, and a congenital heart problem, Fox had to undergo surgery in 2018 to replace his pulmonary valve. Despite these hurdles, he undergoes annual medical evaluations to ensure he can continue competing at the highest level.

"It is a concern, but I try to stay positive and not dwell on it too much," Fox shares with BBC Sport. "I have an amazing support system, and the doctors do an incredible job ensuring my safety."

He emphasizes, "I am healthy, prepared, and grateful for the advancements in modern medicine that have supported me along the way."