Morata & Rodri banned for 'Gibraltar is Spanish' chant.

Soccer General

Morata & Rodri banned for 'Gibraltar is Spanish' chant.

Spain captain Álvaro Morata and teammate Rodri have been suspended for one game by UEFA after chanting "Gibraltar is Spanish" during their Euro 2024 victory celebrations.

The Gibraltar Football Association (GFA) filed an official complaint with UEFA about the celebrations before Morata and Rodri were charged. 

UEFA has suspended them for one game due to "failure to comply with general conduct principles, violating basic rules of decency, using a sporting event for non-sporting statements, and bringing football and UEFA into disrepute."

The suspension will affect their participation in Spain’s next match against Serbia on September 5.

Gibraltar, a British territory at Spain’s southern tip since the 18th century, has been a point of contention, with Spain seeking its return. 

The chanting occurred in Cibeles Square, Madrid, on July 15 during the celebrations for Spain’s 2-1 Euro 2024 final victory over England.