Leagues Plan Legal Action Against FIFA for 'Dominance Abuse'.

Soccer General

Leagues Plan Legal Action Against FIFA for 'Dominance Abuse'.

Top European leagues, such as the Premier League, along with the global players' union Fifpro, are planning to sue FIFA for its 'abuse of dominance' in football.

The European Leagues, representing 39 leagues and 1,130 clubs across 33 countries, is filing a complaint with the European Commission to protect player welfare.

This follows increasing pressure from leagues and player unions, including the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA), about the overloaded game calendar and its effects on players.

Fifpro stated that the international calendar is "overcrowded," "unsustainable for national leagues," and poses a "health risk to players."

The statement continued, "FIFA's recent decisions have favored its own competitions and commercial interests, neglecting its governing responsibilities and harming national leagues' economic interests and player welfare.

Legal action is now the necessary step for European leagues and player unions to protect football, its ecosystem, and its workforce.